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Frequently Asked Questions



Do you have events for non-members?


We have several events open to non-members, such as tennis barbecues, Welcome Centers, and Block Parties. However, the only regularly scheduled event is Social Doubles at the San Francisco Tennis Club which is the 3rd Friday of every month. We meet on the rooftop courts from 6-9pm. It's free, fun, and open to members and non-members. Depending on the weather, we usually have about 15-50 members show up. A board member is usually hanging around to meet you and help you get on a court. If you think you might like to test drive our club, this is a good way. Please check our upcoming events or email the Social Director for more info or to see when the next event is scheduled. All that said, the fastest easiest way to get involved and stay in the know is it to join.


Will you email me about events open to non-members?


Yes. The easiest for us is if you register for a free event such as our monthly social doubles at SFTC. Even if you cannot make the event, we will automatically have you as a contact in our system. Or you can fill out this simple contact form and we'll enter your info by hand. We'll include you in mailings of our e-newsletter, "Connections," and occasional emails for events open to non-members. You can expect about one email per month and you can unsubscribe any time.


Are there any requirements to become a member?


You must have an email address and be at least 18 years old (though check out our youth policy).


Do you have to be gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender/queer to join?


Absolutely not. We welcome all people regardless of orientation or identity. In fact, we have several heterosexual members who just like what our club offers. We don't discriminate.


I am not a very good tennis player, can I still join?


So you think that of our 500+ members you might actually be the worst? Come on. Really? We have all sorts of members including those that just got a hand-me-down racket from a friend. We have events, teams, and clinics targeted specifically towards beginners. And we all remember our humble beginnings. The biggest hurdle is coming out to your first event.  There are lots of people who are just starting out and we can help you connect with them.


I'm really, really good. Do you have events and teams for me?


We have several members who have played on the pro circuit or college tennis. We have USTA teams up to about 4.5 rankings. Many of our tournaments have open draws and we love it when the "big kids" come out to play!


What happens when I join?


If you pay online, you'll instantly have access to our members only area of our website. From there you can email some players, connect with pros, or join in a discussion. You will soon be contacted by our Membership Director, who will add you to our Google Groups and you'll start getting emails about upcoming events. Depending on the season, you may also be contacted about being on a USTA Team, or you can email our USTA Director to see what teams are available. Women will also be contacted by our Women's Director. The best way to get started is to sign up for an upcoming event.


Can I change my email address or control what information is shared with other members?


Absolutely. You can do it all online. Just log in and go to your profile settings.


Do I have to pay the membership fee?


Yes. In order to be covered by our insurance policy you must be a current, paying member. You cannot play on our teams or in most of our events without being a member.


Can I pay for events by check?


Yes, however, it's slower and more time consuming for our volunteer board. Online payment is preferred.


What are the different playing levels?


There are two primary rating systems. The GLTA uses letters and the USTA uses the NTRP Number System. Learn more about the USTA rating system here.


I'd like to volunteer. How can I do that?


Great! This whole club is run by volunteers. If everyone gives a little, we all see the results. Contact our Vice President to learn more.


I'd like to donate to your club, how can I do that?


We are a 501c4 non-profit. We welcome monetary donations as well as materials such as player giveaways, raffle items, and equipment. We also welcome sponsorships. Please use our online donation form, or contact our President.


What does it mean to be on a USTA Team? How big of a commitment is it?


USTA leagues run 4 times a year with 10-14 matches each season.  You will likely play in 2 to 6 matches a season if you are on a team. Best way to learn more is to join us and try it out for yourself!


I've gotten all the way to this last FAQ. It sounds like fun, but I feel that should wait until...


Don't wait. Really. This is such a fun club and it's really easy to get involved. Many people think they need to take some lessons first or think they'll do it next week. The only thing stopping you is you. We don't care if you don't know what end of the racket to use. We'll take you as you are, whenever you are ready. Click here to join.

The Gay and Lesbian Tennis Federation of San Francisco is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing our members with tennis opportunities throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

Contact Us


Address: 2261 Market St. #109A, San Francisco, CA 94114

© 2024-2025 GLTF.  The Gay and Lesbian Tennis Federation of San Francisco is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing our members with tennis opportunities throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

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