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About Us


The Gay & Lesbian Tennis Federation is a 500+ plus member tennis club, with members playing throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. The club hosts, host events for players of all levels, from novice to teaching pros. Members play year-round at courts all around the Bay Area, and also participate in club-sponsored tennis events and tournaments. 

  • Monthly Social Doubles for Tennis and Pickleball
  • Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, USTA leagues
  • The Spring Bunny Hop at SFSU
  • The Woods & Whites event at Davies Tennis Stadium
  • The year-end event called Tennispalooza, where we honor our league Captains, and reminisce about the years accomplishments
  • And other events, like viewing parties for different Grand Slam tournaments

The GLTF was formed in 1981 and is a 501 C 4. At the time we were born, a softball club was the only "out" sports league.  A group of softball players decided they would like to play tennis too. The first year there were only 12 members.  Also in 1981, the GLTF hosted the United States Gay Open (USGO). The USGO is one of the oldest, largest and most prestigious gay tennis tournament in the world. The GLTF is one of 40+ member clubs of the Gay and Lesbian Tennis Alliance (GLTA).

Every year the GLTF recognizes volunteers including Hall of Fame, President's Award, Volunteer of the Year, and Captain of the Year.

The Gay and Lesbian Tennis Federation of San Francisco is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing our members with tennis opportunities throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

Contact Us


Address: 2261 Market St. #109A, San Francisco, CA 94114

© 2024-2025 GLTF.  The Gay and Lesbian Tennis Federation of San Francisco is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing our members with tennis opportunities throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.

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